Transregionale Perspektiven

Transregionale Verflechtungen, Süd-Süd-Beziehungen, Migration Studies: auch wenn es im Titel auf den ersten Blick nicht sichtbar wird, widmet sich der Fachinformationsdienst «Lateinamerika, Karibik und Latino Studies» den multiplen Perspektiven auf Lateinamerika (so z.B. auch aus indischer oder chinesischer Sicht) und der weltweiten Vernetzung der lateinamerikanischen Länder, ihrer Kulturen und Gesellschaften. Neu in unserer Blogroll ist daher auch TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research: «Das Trafo-Blog dient als Diskussions- und Informationsplattform für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, die sich für transregionale Forschung interessieren. Auf dem Trafo-Blog werden Forschungsergebnisse und Beiträge aus dem Bereich der transregionalen Studien und der Area Studies zugänglich gemacht».


Wir stellen TRAFO hier vor mit einem Beitrag aus der Reihe «5in10″ (Fünf Fragen in zehn Minuten» mit der Wissenschaftlerin Sanja Savkić, die auch über ihre Arbeit in der Bibliothek des IAI spricht:

„I was curious about knowing what it means to exist in the vast universe“ – 5in10 with Sanja Savkić


 Sanja Savkic received her Ph.D. in Art History (Indigenous Art of the Americas), as well as her M.St. in Mesoamerican Studies from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). In 2012, she was honoured as the most distinguished graduate in art history, and received the Alfonso Caso Medal for her doctoral dissertation. Savkic was a postdoctoral fellow at the UNAM’s Institute of Anthropological Research from 2014-16. Most recently, she was a postdoctoral fellow of the research program Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices, an initiative of the Kunsthistorisches Institut (KHI) in Florence – Max-Planck-Institute at the Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien. At present she is affiliated fellow of the same research program with her project „Engaging Preclassic Maya Visual Configurations at San Bartolo, Guatemala“. Currently, Savkic also collaborates with the Ethnologisches Museum in Berlin on developing the concept for four media stations related to the exhibition of the Mesoamerican Collection at the Humboldt Forum. The cross-disciplinary approach she cultivates (art history–anthropology–archaeology) has been an integral part of her ongoing research relating to pre-Columbian visual cultures from Mesoamerica, particularly the ancient Maya. Savkic has published the results of her investigations in international media and presently she is preparing a book monograph on the ancient Maya art and architecture; she is also engaged in coediting a collective book on indigenous visual cultures in the Americas past and present together with Hannah Baader.


What was intriguing to you when you were a child? What is it that you always wanted to know about the world?

Since my early childhood I have loved gazing at starry night skies. I imagined all sorts of beautiful distant worlds and different kinds of life forms …


Lesen Sie weiter unter

Sanja Savkić, “I was curious about knowing what it means to exist in the vast universe” – 5in10 with Sanja Savkić, in: TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research, 22.11.2017.